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Leadership skills for new grads leadership May 25, 2023

So what is a skill that new engineering graduates need as they enter the workforce?

Two skills, actually.

First: Listening Skills

Second: Teamwork Skills

In both cases, we should think about a new grad’s transition from academia to the workforce. They are going from one independent culture...

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How To Improve Your 1-on-1 Meetings organization May 24, 2023

Instead of just scheduling some time and randomly filling the silence, let’s learn how to get the most out of your 1-on-1 meetings.

One-on-one meetings are vital to building a leadership relationship with your team members. There’s not one great leader that doesn’t understand...

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Working with People or Around Them? cognitive readiness social intelligence May 17, 2023

How going it alone is hurting you

A lot of leaders and managers surprisingly go it alone, but that actually hurts more than it helps.

Because leaders don’t have the training or experience, they fall back on what they know: if it’s got to be done right, they’ve got to do it...

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The Walkabout memory Apr 27, 2023

My favorite leadership tip is the Walkabout.

One of the top concerns I get is how to hold people accountable.

Holding people accountable is tricky because a lot of folks are aggressive or hostile in doing so, we don’t want to be, so we shy away from the accountability conversations.


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The 3 T Routine memory Mar 02, 2023

How many of you feel like you are always behind, always trying to catch up on things, or always delivering last minute?

You would love to get ahead of things and stay on top of work, but if it isn’t due, right now, you are not working on it.

Work is stressful, and your team feels that...

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Using Your Memory to Hold People Accountable memory Feb 16, 2023

How about a trick to hold more people accountable?

One of the top 3 questions I get is how to hold people accountable. Allow me to share an easy, somewhat nonintuitive, totally non-confrontational accountability technique.

Holding people accountable is tricking because a lot of folks are...

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Competition is a good thing improvement Feb 02, 2023

Growing up I played a lot of sports. Maybe you did too.

One of the things I never did was care about the opponent.

It helped that it was much more difficult back then. You had to read the newspaper, manually collect the data, and analyze it yourself. Just having to read things put an end to that....

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The Influence of Others culture Jan 19, 2023

Many an individual’s problems stem from the environment around them.  Individuals tend to put a large emphasis on the events and situations occurring from other people and outside things.  While it is a very common thing, it is also very harmful.  Our problems are our own....

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Sleep for a better leadership memory memory Jan 05, 2023

Sleep is super important to leadership.

And, most leaders don’t get nearly enough of it; so you are groggy, forgetful, and irritable.

Get enough and it makes your job so much easier.

Substitute in caffeine or other stimulants and you’ll actually hurt your ability to lead.

Get sleep,...

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Simplicity for better memory memory Dec 22, 2022

Boost your memory to boost your leadership by boosting simplicity.

Our memory is super important to being a great leader, but what can hamper your memory is having too much to think about.

You can get a simple, good boost to memory if you try to cut out a lot of the extra, unnecessaries from your...

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Boost Your Memory, Boost Your Leadership memory Dec 08, 2022

A lot of people ask, what is 1 skill that is the most important to work on to be a better leader?

My response: your memory.

Most people are shocked, some confused. They think it should be communication, motivation, or accountability.

Well guess what, all of those skills grow from a sharp memory.

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Improving your one on ones organization Nov 23, 2022

Are your 1-on-1s all about projects?

I get this concern a lot: that manager’s have 1-on-1’s with their folks, but they are all about the projects.

You want to expand your meetings into other areas, but your team members are always talking about their work. You want to help your team...

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