The Walkabout

memory Apr 27, 2023

My favorite leadership tip is the Walkabout.

One of the top concerns I get is how to hold people accountable.

Holding people accountable is tricky because a lot of folks are aggressive or hostile in doing so, we don’t want to be, so we shy away from the accountability conversations.

Gentle reminders are an easy way to overcome the negativity, but we want to add one more element to reminders, and that is the Walkabout.

The Walkabout is a time you get up from your desk, walk about the office, and check in on teammates and co-workers.

Yes, this is physically getting up, walking, and speaking to people in person. Gasp! The horror!

Hate to break it to you, but you wanted to be a better leader, leadership is about people, and so you will have to interact with people.

No matter how introverted you are, you can do this. Take a few minutes and go talk to your teammates.

(For those that might not be in an office, try using the phone or instant messages. Pick a good time you think folks will be available and have a short, personal conversation with them. Avoid just shooting off an email or leaving a voicemail. Actually speak directly with your team.)


This is a great technique for a couple of reasons:

1) The folks you talk with will truly understand that you care. That you care about the project and that you care about them. You actually got up and went to see them, that says something.

2) You will get the actual answers you are looking for and be certain that you delivered the reminder. They can no longer ignore the phone or email.

3) You get to clear your head, stretch your legs, and take a break from sitting and the screen. You need mental clarity to boost that memory.


For those who are freaking out about what to ask or talk about, review my last post on the 3T Routine. Complete the 3T Routine and you will know exactly who to talk to and exactly what to talk about.

Your turn. Add walkabouts to your daily routine.

Scared? Start small with one teammate and add more as you get the hang of it.

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