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The Influence of Others culture Jan 19, 2023

Many an individual’s problems stem from the environment around them.  Individuals tend to put a large emphasis on the events and situations occurring from other people and outside things.  While it is a very common thing, it is also very harmful.  Our problems are our own....

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Change Change Your Mind communication culture Oct 27, 2022

I don’t like the term ‘change your mind.’

The term ‘change your mind’ has all sorts of negative connotations associated with it.

First, we use it in reference to changing another person’s mind, and that is a difficult, if not an impossible task.

Next, we use it...

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Everyone Is Diverse culture Aug 18, 2022

Are you diverse?  Do you consider yourself an individual?

Is there anyone else in this existence exactly like you?  Nope.

We are all unique.  Everyone is their own person with their own life, experiences, and backgrounds.  Each person has had different and unique perspectives...

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Your Team is Bored culture leadership Aug 04, 2022

Is your team just going through their work; day in, day out?

Maybe your team is starting to make a lot of mistakes, miss deadlines or go over budget?

Sure they are getting things done, but you want your team to excel.

You’ve tried to give incentives and rewards, but you’re not seeing...

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Calm culture leadership Jul 21, 2022

Your team wants calm.

People excel when things are known and the future is predictable.  Your team has confidence in what they are working on when they are left alone to work on it.  Folks put in time and effort if they believe that time and effort is worth something.

Think back to...

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Culture Elevator Pitch culture Jun 23, 2022

Can you describe your team’s culture quickly and easily?

Almost half of younger generations would prefer being unemployed than work in a job they don’t like, a recent study found. They look for and prefer companies with cultures that share their own personal values.

All throughout the...

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Team or Individuals culture May 26, 2022

How many books, trainings, pieces of advice have you been offered on ‘A+ Talent’ or ‘the perfect candidate’ or ‘the best employees’? From my experience, it has been a lot. A mountain of materials focused on finding and building the best individuals.

This tends...

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Taking Too Much culture Apr 28, 2022

Squirrels don’t kill trees.

I have a large maple tree outside of my office window. During the spring, I get to watch the squirrels feast on the new buds. No matter how much the squirrels eat, that maple tree is still full of leaves and beautiful all summer long.

The squirrels get their fill...

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Everyone is Unique culture Apr 21, 2022

I am sure you are familiar with some new managers getting hired and wiping out the team they had for a new set of team members.  A new CEO comes on board, and before you know it, the whole c-suite is new faces and has new directives.  All your former co-workers are gone.  In a few...

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Ending Work from Home Shows Weakness culture Apr 12, 2022

Managers calling for the end of WFH are weak.

They are weak in communication skills and they are weak in training skills. These two skills are incredibly important for strong leaders and managers. Being weak in these skills is a red flag for what comes ahead.

This isn’t just a red flag for...

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Recognize Your Team culture Mar 31, 2022

Imagine you like to keep to your self, but you keep getting recognized and thank publicly.  Imagine liking a bit of attention but are congratulated in private.  Leaders and managers need to recognize their folks the way they want to be recognized.

It is very important to get to know...

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Don’t Mistake Kindness for Weakness culture improvement Mar 17, 2022

Don’t mistake kindness for weakness.  Kindness is in fact a powerful display of leadership.  It takes a good amount of strength to show kindness towards yourself and others.

In some cultures, environments, or situations kindness is frowned upon.  A lot of people preach of...

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