The 3 T Routine

memory Mar 02, 2023

How many of you feel like you are always behind, always trying to catch up on things, or always delivering last minute?

You would love to get ahead of things and stay on top of work, but if it isn’t due, right now, you are not working on it.

Work is stressful, and your team feels that pressure from these last second blitzes.

Sure you get stuff done.

But, you’re on a razor’s edge, and if even the smallest thing goes wrong, you are behind, late, and panicking.

What if you were ahead of things, working and preparing for things to come, and progressing, even just a little, on all your important work?

Let’s add a routine to your day to do just that. We will call it the 3T Routine. The three T’s stand for Today, Tomorrow, and This week.

1) Choose a time of day to run through this routine, let’s say morning

2) Focus on what needs to be complete today

3) Review what is due tomorrow

4) Look ahead to the important items coming up in 3-5 days

Each morning: Today, Tomorrow, This week. Today, Tomorrow, This week….

(If you are an evening person, do this before you go home. Pick the time of day that works for you.)

As you practice the 3T Routine, you will begin to build your memory for the important things to work on. You will fill in your schedule with the appropriate work, and you will begin to get ahead of the work that is up-and-coming.

As you bump into folks, throughout the day, you will be able to remind them of action items. (See my last post on how reminders boost accountability.)

When there is down time or you get distracted, your memory will kick in to remind you of what you should be working on.

The 3T Routine has helped people who are unorganized get organized, help people who get distracted stay focused, and help people who are stressed out obtain calmness and clarity.

Do you have your memory systems in place?

No? Build your first memory system right now, with this free guide:Ā 5 Steps to Your First Memory System.

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