Min Work Max Life

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Self-Presentation cognitive readiness social intelligence Mar 20, 2024

Bernie and Emily were fighting again.

They each wanted to solve the current problem in a different way. Their way. Bernie threw out phrases like: “This is the way we’ve always done it.” And, Emily would replay: “In my last company, they did it better.”

Drew felt the...

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Empathy cognitive readiness emotional intelligence Mar 06, 2024

When Mario got to his desk he slammed his bag on the chair and bashed the spacebar to wake up his computer.

His boss, Dale, came over to see what was up. Mario explained the car accident, how the jerk sped up to cut him off, and how much yelling there was when they traded insurance info.


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Mental Flexibility cognitive intelligence cognitive readiness Feb 21, 2024

This team goes through a lot of shoes.

They had to. The amount of shuffling they do, moping around the office, head down, shoulders hunched, they have to be wearing holes in the soles of every pair of shoes they wear to work.

The energy in the office wasn’t why I was asked to help. I was...

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Multitasking attentional focus cognitive readiness Feb 07, 2024

It’s the start of your day.

So, you check on your emails. You’ve cleaned up quite a few with responses, deletes, and folder moves.

Next you jump back on the presentation that needs to be done by the end of the day. You’ve typed a few more slides, found a couple of good pictures,...

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Relationship Management cognitive readiness social intelligence Jan 24, 2024

“The sales department sucks.”

That was the first sentence out of Paige’s mouth. Paige was tasked with improving the relationship between her engineering department and the company’s sales department. There was a bit of tension there.

This task trickled its way down from...

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Self-Regulation cognitive readiness emotional intelligence Jan 10, 2024

“This is ridiculous!” Yelled the man at the end of the meeting table.

His outburst silenced the room. His colleague suggested we take a fifteen minute break. As we walked out, my colleague smirked.

About two hours earlier, on the drive to the client’s office, my colleague was...

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Reach Your Peak in 2024 Dec 27, 2023

Even though I hate this time of year, it does offer one good thing - reflection.

There’s a natural feeling and nudge to reflect as something comes to a close. As another year does just that, it’s a good opportunity to take advantage and look back on what are some of the best things...

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Automaticity cognitive intelligence cognitive readiness Dec 13, 2023

The steering wheel was dripping wet.

Today was too much. Emily had to let it all out. Luckily she made it to her car, but she wasn’t able to drive away just yet. Hopefully, no one sees her.

Emily is the leader of a large department, and the one aspect of her job that she hates the most is...

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Metacognition attentional focus cognitive readiness Nov 29, 2023

Charlie had his typical Monday morning, two reoccurring meetings back-to-back.

The first was his department’s update meeting. Plenty of words, lots of talking, and a big spreadsheet lighting the room from the projector. After that, on to the second meeting for one of his ongoing projects....

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Active Listening cognitive readiness social intelligence Nov 15, 2023

You could hear the eyes roll from everyone in the room.

Keith just entered the meeting. Everyone knew what that meant.

The meeting progressed, the project lead did a great job of moving it along, keeping everyone on task, and documenting the ideas. People felt good about the action items and...

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Halloween Energy Nov 01, 2023

A rustle comes from the bushes, spooking the sleeping bats above, sending them into a flying frenzy.

From the distraction, fog creeps out from around the corner ushering in the scarecrow. As the sun fades, he makes his way to his perch to watch over his pumpkin patch.

A once sleepy and quiet plot...

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Self-Awareness cognitive readiness emotional intelligence Oct 18, 2023

What is it about famous stories like Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, or The Lion King? What makes them stand the test of time? How can people of all generations watch these stories and all enjoy them?

Because these are stories of self awareness.

How many people feel as though they're just...

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