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Competition is a good thing improvement Feb 02, 2023

Growing up I played a lot of sports. Maybe you did too.

One of the things I never did was care about the opponent.

It helped that it was much more difficult back then. You had to read the newspaper, manually collect the data, and analyze it yourself. Just having to read things put an end to that....

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We are the Chain and the Link improvement Nov 10, 2022

Have you heard that a team is only as strong as its weakest link?  I’d be shocked if you haven’t.  I believe this is true, but I also think it falls a bit short.

I believe that people, humans, culture, society, etc… is the chain and that we as individuals are the...

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Inner Reflection improvement Oct 13, 2022

Understand that you can’t fully be there for your team if you are not fully there for yourself.  A leader is a person, and people have emotions, feelings, and issues.  We all do.  We need to have those things under control to best help others.

First, how can we be there for...

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Purpose of Work improvement Sep 15, 2022

Lost your spark?  Focus on helping others.

Throughout the year, quarter, month… energy levels rise and fall.  Interest wanes, and motivation comes and goes.  When you are in a lull think about the purpose of your leadership.  Focus on helping others.

No matter how much...

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Agent Coulson is a Really Good Leader improvement leadership Sep 01, 2022

So, I’ve been watching ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’; just got through the first season.

And, Agent Coulson displays a lot of strong leadership characteristics. The writers did really good work here.

Most of us are surrounded by horrible leaders and managers, and that horribleness...

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Time for Yourself improvement Apr 07, 2022

Clear out time for yourself, schedule it.  We talk a lot on how being a leader is about your team, but you do need to spend some time on yourself.  It is not 100% team and 0% you.  You need time for yourself.

Just because you are a leader doesn’t mean you don’t have...

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Don’t Mistake Kindness for Weakness culture improvement Mar 17, 2022

Don’t mistake kindness for weakness.  Kindness is in fact a powerful display of leadership.  It takes a good amount of strength to show kindness towards yourself and others.

In some cultures, environments, or situations kindness is frowned upon.  A lot of people preach of...

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Don’t Stop, Keep Going improvement Mar 03, 2022

If you want something enough, get after it.

If you want to be a leader keep moving toward that goal.  If you want to be promoted to a manager do something everyday to get yourself closer to that promotion.  Don’t stop working. Do something, anything that will move you closer to...

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Give January a Break improvement Jan 17, 2022

I read somewhere recently, sorry don’t remember exactly, that January was just the free trial for the year, and that he would get started in February.

How true?

For most, you may set up some goals for the year. For others, you may just be getting off of the holiday and new year celebrations...

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Coaching vs Mentoring improvement Nov 04, 2021

Coach or Mentor?  What is the difference and which one is for me?  (Well, you, the reader, not me the author.  I am going to try to help you out with that question.)

Here at Acclaimed Summit, we offer both because both are important.  There is a difference, but both coaching...

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Post Tortoise improvement Oct 07, 2021

So what is the post turtle? The old man says, "When you're driving down a country road and you see a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle. You know he didn't get up there by himself; he doesn't belong there; you wonder who put him there; he can't get anything done while...

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No Lifeline improvement Sep 30, 2021

Do you feel lost?  Do you feel as though you were put in a position of leadership without any support?  Maybe you have support, but something just doesn’t click, and the support you are getting isn’t helping.  This site is built off of those experiences.

From the start...

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