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Self-Presentation cognitive readiness social intelligence Mar 20, 2024

Bernie and Emily were fighting again.

They each wanted to solve the current problem in a different way. Their way. Bernie threw out phrases like: “This is the way we’ve always done it.” And, Emily would replay: “In my last company, they did it better.”

Drew felt the...

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Relationship Management cognitive readiness social intelligence Jan 24, 2024

“The sales department sucks.”

That was the first sentence out of Paige’s mouth. Paige was tasked with improving the relationship between her engineering department and the company’s sales department. There was a bit of tension there.

This task trickled its way down from...

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Active Listening cognitive readiness social intelligence Nov 15, 2023

You could hear the eyes roll from everyone in the room.

Keith just entered the meeting. Everyone knew what that meant.

The meeting progressed, the project lead did a great job of moving it along, keeping everyone on task, and documenting the ideas. People felt good about the action items and...

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Social Awareness cognitive readiness social intelligence Sep 06, 2023

Adam burst into 90 seconds of non-stop profanity. All to tell Sam he had enough and he couldn’t take it anymore.

Once Adam got everything off his chest and calmed down. Sam got more background. Adam felt disrespected, wasn’t getting cooperation, and was beginning to question how he...

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Social Intelligence cognitive readiness social intelligence Jul 12, 2023

To help remember the four categories of cognitive readiness, we use ACES. This is not only a good way to remember but a good way to understand as one category feeds into the next particularly well, in this order. The S and fourth category is Social Intelligence.

Have you ever seen people who...

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Working with People or Around Them? cognitive readiness social intelligence May 17, 2023

How going it alone is hurting you

A lot of leaders and managers surprisingly go it alone, but that actually hurts more than it helps.

Because leaders don’t have the training or experience, they fall back on what they know: if it’s got to be done right, they’ve got to do it...

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