Inner Reflection

improvement Oct 13, 2022

Understand that you can’t fully be there for your team if you are not fully there for yourself.  A leader is a person, and people have emotions, feelings, and issues.  We all do.  We need to have those things under control to best help others.

First, how can we be there for other people if we are spending time struggling with our own internal turmoils?  We will be focused on those things throughout the day.  We will be looking for solutions to our own struggles.  We will be searching for ways out to overcome the negativity and sadness.  We will be somewhere else and miss out on details from other people’s questions and concerns.

Second, getting our issues under control will set an example for the others we are trying to help.  They will see it can be done, and they will see how to do it.  Did you find help or use certain resources?  Share that experience with team members.  Show them the proper way to solve problems.  Set the example of calm and collected when under pressure.

This is not to say that your internal struggles disappear or are nonexistent.  You may always have to attend to your issues and problems.  New difficulties will arise throughout your life.  You will always need maintenance.  Continue to maintain.  Continue to work, fight, and adjust to keep things calm and to minimize their impact on yourself and those around you.

Take a moment, right now, to think about your internal issues.  Now think about how your internal issues are affecting those around you.  Is it neutral or negative?  Do you have these things under control enough for their impact to be neutral?  Are one or two affecting you negatively enough to effect others negatively?  Now, start to work on these issues to get them under control and maintained.  Search for support and resources.  Practice and work.

Leaders need to be there for their team.  They need to listen and support.  If leaders are distracted by their own internal problems, they are not fully present for the people they are trying to help.  Focus on taking care of your internal problems.  Remove the distractions so you can be there for your team.

Searching for help?  Contact us today.  We are here for you.  Hit that button.

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