Agent Coulson is a Really Good Leader

improvement leadership Sep 01, 2022

So, I’ve been watching ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’; just got through the first season.

And, Agent Coulson displays a lot of strong leadership characteristics. The writers did really good work here.

Most of us are surrounded by horrible leaders and managers, and that horribleness can creep into our own skills and work.

We need a way to learn good leadership skills and keep good examples in the front of our minds.

We can’t expect businesses to hire or promote strong leaders and managers nor offer training to improve leadership skills.

One way to overcome this is to look for strong leadership everywhere. Hunt for good examples wherever you can.

Film, books, and theater are good places to look for strong leaders.

On one hand the authors are trying to tell a story about what good, strong leadership is. They want to share these important skills. (Probably because they have been disappointed in their past.)

On the other hand, these mediums need to over exaggerate actions, thoughts, and emotions to get their point across quickly. So in a sense, it is a bit easier to see these strong leadership skills in action. You can more easily see how characters act before and after a leader steps in to better see the results of the actions.

In Agent Coulson’s example, he brought together a team diverse in thoughts and backgrounds. He trusts his team, allows them to try things out, and has patience for mistakes. He grows from his own mistakes and apologizes. He stays calm under pressure.

If you are interested, watch the show, and watch his character closely. As I said, I am only through season one, so it won’t take up too much of your time.

What other characteristics do you see? What might be things he screws up? Please, no spoilers!

Where else can you look to find good examples of leaders and study them?

‘Ted Lasso’ is too easy, think harder.

The more diverse the examples are the better.

What are the characteristics you are looking for?

Where can you find them?

What did the character or person do well?

Where did they mess up?

Accelerate your leadership growth by looking for good examples everywhere.

Finding good leadership examples, even in fictional characters, will help to cancel out the bad leadership examples you are most likely seeing and interacting with everyday.

We need to keep those positive examples at the forefront. Over time, you will make those strong leadership skills habit, routine, and natural.

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