Don’t Stop, Keep Going

improvement Mar 03, 2022

If you want something enough, get after it.

If you want to be a leader keep moving toward that goal.  If you want to be promoted to a manager do something everyday to get yourself closer to that promotion.  Don’t stop working. Do something, anything that will move you closer to the goal.

Some days you will work sixteen hours strong and be completely engaged with what you are doing.  No one can steal your focus.  Your drive is through the roof.

Other days, you can hardly think about it.  In fact, you are so tired, distracted, or uninterested you can’t bear to even think about your goal.

On days where your energy is low, you can still “work” on your goal of leadership.  Similar to exercise, a rest day is your work out, and to some, the most important day of the week.  Without that rest day, you could get injured and set yourself back weeks or months.  The trick is not to turn the rest day into a rest week.  Take the time to clear your head and reset your thinking.  Sometimes you can be so focused you miss out on something else that is important.  Rest days are good for organizing and checking in on your to-do list to see how you are progressing.  Even on a rest day, take five minutes, organize your thoughts and documents, and prepare for the next day.  That’s all, leave it, and take it on the next day.

For your ‘on’ days, think about alternatives.  Again in the exercise world, alternatives are referred to as cross-training.  This is where you do an activity that isn’t really your sport, but still benefits the sport you do.  Some may be familiar with (American) football wide receivers taking ballet to help them improve.  What cross-training can you do to improve your leadership skills?  Volunteer, coach, tutor, pick up a hobby, or catch up on sleep.

If you have a goal of becoming a leader, you need to work on that goal, and keep pushing to reach it.  Take advantage of your on days, and accomplish great things.  Don’t get down on your off days.  It is just as important to take a break and rest, every once in a while, as it is to working hard.

Go get it!

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