Change Change Your Mind

communication culture Oct 27, 2022

I don’t like the term ‘change your mind.’

The term ‘change your mind’ has all sorts of negative connotations associated with it.

First, we use it in reference to changing another person’s mind, and that is a difficult, if not an impossible task.

Next, we use it in reference to changing our own mind, but change is scary and we tend to avoid change as much as possible.

We need a way to overcome the defeat of an impossible task and the fear of change.

What if we worked to keep our minds open and receiving?

Instead of allowing things to be solid in our minds, what if we could change them into fluids and adjust the viscosity?

Allow your beliefs to flow. Allow yourself to add and remove beliefs as you learn and listen.

There would be no need to change another person’s mind. We would be open and accepting of their opinions.

And this acceptance would help us to ‘adjust’ that person’s mind, our patience, with their beliefs, will help them to re-think.

We can then use this word ‘adjust’, ourselves, as a replacement, to overcome the fear of the word ‘change’.

Are you able to see the move from a negative term to a positive one with the simple adjustment of making our minds more fluid?

Stop using the term ‘change your mind’ and start using ‘adjust your mind.’

What do you think?

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