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Mental Flexibility cognitive intelligence cognitive readiness Feb 21, 2024

This team goes through a lot of shoes.

They had to. The amount of shuffling they do, moping around the office, head down, shoulders hunched, they have to be wearing holes in the soles of every pair of shoes they wear to work.

The energy in the office wasn’t why I was asked to help. I was...

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Automaticity cognitive intelligence cognitive readiness Dec 13, 2023

The steering wheel was dripping wet.

Today was too much. Emily had to let it all out. Luckily she made it to her car, but she wasn’t able to drive away just yet. Hopefully, no one sees her.

Emily is the leader of a large department, and the one aspect of her job that she hates the most is...

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Transfer of Training cognitive intelligence cognitive readiness Oct 04, 2023

You’ve got to be kidding me!

We just crossed over the 5 minute mark of his story, and this is all I was thinking.

Another department manager asked me for some help. He was having some trouble with two employees, who weren’t getting along, and he desperately needed me to hear out his...

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Remember Under Pressure cognitive intelligence cognitive readiness memory Aug 09, 2023

She was frozen. Standing in front of a room full of her peers and upper management, she didn’t know what to say. How could this happen?

This is her project, she’s the lead, she knows everything about what’s going on. But now, she’s reading her slides and flipping through...

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Cognitive Intelligence cognitive intelligence cognitive readiness Jun 21, 2023

To help remember the four categories of cognitive readiness, we use ACES. This is not only a good way to remember but a good way to understand as one category feeds into the next particularly well, in this order. The C and second category is Cognitive Intelligence.

Cognitive intelligence is an...

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Practice Your Skills cognitive intelligence cognitive readiness Jul 07, 2022

Practice for goodness’ sakes

It drives me crazy when people don’t practice. It doesn’t matter if they have asked me for help, received help from others, or read a book or watch some videos. The vast majority of people do not practice what they learn.

How do they expect to...

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