The Leadership Mindset

leadership Dec 02, 2021

To be a leader or a manager, mindset is everything.  If you want this, want it, and don’t be afraid or embarrassed to live this way of life.  Go out there and get it.  This is another way leadership can be learned and practiced.

Think about the last time you bought something that was expensive, a big deal, or a long term investment.  It could be an automobile, a smart phone, or a place to live.  As you were going through the research and purchase, did you see that thing everywhere?  If you where buying a car, did you not see that car every time you went out?  It was driving down the road next to you, it was passing by as you were having dinner, and it was in the parking lot of the grocery store.  Everywhere.

That is what we want leadership to be for you… Everywhere.

Focus in on leadership and you will see it everywhere.  You will begin seeing it in other managers, in your favorite hobbies and those people you follow, and in other folks as you go through your day.  You will see it in a store clerk helping a customer and in a child playing with her friends.  

See leadership everywhere, take a moment to embrace what you saw, and learn the lesson that it is offering.

If you saw something that another manager did that made you cringe, what would you do differently in that situation?  If you saw someone do a good deed, how can you implement that into your leadership in the future?  Be observant and allow the world to teach.  Then take a moment to learn from that opportunity, and be ready to use that lesson next time.

Keeping leadership top-of-mind will help you to sharpen your skills.  Keeping a leadership mindset will help you advance and improve at a fantastic rate.

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