Shine the Spotlight on Others

leadership Oct 28, 2021

Don’t Impress

Being a leader and a manager is about giving up the spotlight to others.

Don't try to impress as a manager.  You have to get comfortable with being overlooked. You have to get comfortable with giving all of the accolades to the folks that are doing all of the hard work.

If you're out there to impress, out there to have the spotlight, management is not for you (at least not the management that we talk about here at Acclaimed Summit.) Management is all about being in the shadows and helping others to impress and to be in the spotlight.

So get behind that spotlight, be that operator, and start pointing it at your team.  Bring to light (pun intended) what your team is doing that is great and helpful.  How are they hitting their goals, how are they helping one another, or what lessons could they teach others?

Find out what motivates them and highlight them through those motivations.  Does someone enjoy helping others?  Then when you see that person helping others, shine the spotlight on that person and highlight that activity.  Does someone enjoy sticking to the schedule?  Use that motivation to help the team meet the delivery date, and thank that person for their help with it.

Get to know your team, particularly their motivations.  Don’t just celebrate what you think is a win.  Although it is important that your team understands what you believe is a win, it is much more impactful that you understand what they believe is a win.

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