Own Your Mistakes

leadership Sep 16, 2021

Own your mistakes. You are human, so don't think that you're not going to make mistakes. You are.

Not to mention, most people are going to catch your mistakes before you do.

Think of all those shows that you've watched where you noticed a mistake. Those things happen because human beings are making those shows. You're looking at what's going on a lot more closely than those that are making the show. You want to know what's going on, and you are paying close attention.

Use this example and realize that is what people are going to be looking at you for. They are looking way more closely at you and your actions than you could ever imagine. Don't let that discourage you; let that give you the patience to own your mistakes.

Here is the caveat. Come up with a solution. Don't just own your mistakes and not do anything about it. Don't just say ‘oh sorry you're right I messed up’ and then walk away. Own your mistakes by finding a solution. Even if that solution isn't available at the moment. Tell them you're going to find a solution and give some timeframe. Just don't forget to actually come back with what that solution is.

This brings up another good point, the people that are looking up to you as a leader are going to remember your promises. So don't promise anybody anything unless you're going to follow up with that solution and actually deliver.

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