It’s Not About Being Liked

leadership Dec 16, 2021

People aren't always going to like you.  You need to be able to stand up for what you believe in and go after the things that you wholeheartedly want.

Being a new manager or being placed into a new leadership role comes with some downsides.  One of those downsides is that not everyone is going to like you.  Leadership is not a popularity contest.  Leadership is about improving the lives of others.  You are “In the Service of Others.”

Getting that new promotion may mean other people are jealous.  There was probably at least one other coworker that also applied for the position, and they probably have a few friends around the office.  Between them, they may be upset with you, they may be bad mouthing you behind your back, and they could even be holding a grudge.

Entering into a new company or a new division may mean that a lot of people are skeptical or uncertain of your qualifications.  Even an ounce of doubt may lead to them disliking you.  Have they met you yet or have they seen you in action?  Nope.  That is not going to stop people from being negative towards you.

At what level do these things exist?  Initially, that is unknown.  Jealousy is a strong emotion in some people, but in other cases it is just a reaction to their disappointment in a missed opportunity and will dissolve quickly.  Skepticism could be high and long lasting especially in folks who have a personal attachment to the work they are doing.  They may not think just anyone can walk in and be successful.

How long will this negativity last?  This too is unknown as each individual is different, but the timing is much more in your control.  Being a capable leader, showing a strong work ethic, and building a terrific team will shorten that time frame considerably.

Leadership is about being respected, not liked.  You were placed into a position to build a high performing team, and that is your focus.  Show the nay sayers that was the correct decision.

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