Don't With the Don'ts

communication May 12, 2022

Have you been hearing and seeing a lot of don’ts, nos, stops, and can’ts recently? Does there seem to be a lot of negative words being used over and over, day after day.

Think about how restricting that is. “Don’t say this!” “Stop doing that!” The walls start closing in. It becomes limiting and confining.

What can we do to relieve this pressure? To be more free?

Well, I doubt we are going to get everyone in the world to stop using negative words. Even for the folks that do work at turning it around, it will take time and effort.

But turning it around is exactly the thing to do.

What if… bear with me… we started talking about what we can do, what we should do, and what to go about doing?

Let’s start by conscientiously removing those negatives from our vocabulary. Pause after you catch yourself saying ‘not’ or ending a word with N - apostrophe - T, and use more positive words instead. What do you want the listener or reader to think about or do?

Open up possibilities, give people direction, and help people understand what should be done.

Openness leads to innovation, creation, and solutions. Remove the restrictions and the walls to build kindness and generosity. Clear a path for folks to travel down and to explore.

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