Criticize Then Help

communication Nov 11, 2021

I had a co-worker stop me one day to give his input on a project he was part of.  He was particularly upset with how things were going in reference to the speed at which the project was moving and the technical problems being so difficult.  The project was of unique difficulty and things were not going well, and in turn, not going quickly.

His particular position within the company was Project Manager, and within this company that meant overseeing the project to reach market.  I was Engineering Manager and in charge of the specific design engineer working on the technical solutions of the project.

The co-worker was not happy, and he shared his thoughts.  After hearing him out, I asked: “Are there things you can do to help out with this project?”  His response: “No, nothing, I have other things to do.”

Here is the lesson I want to share with you.  If you are negatively criticizing someone for the work they are doing, offer up suggestions and help to overcome the issues and get better.  If you are just knocking the person for their work, you are not helping anything.  Be a team player.

Whatever the team may be (in most cases the team is working for the same company) you are in it together.  If you all agreed to work for the same company, wear the company shirt, pass out the company business cards, and hang out at the company building, you are on the same team, agreeing to head in the same direction.  Even if you are not on the same projects, all projects lead to the same end, the continued success of the company and team.

Knocking teammates down hurts everyone, including, especially yourself.  

More conversations were had and that co-worker did begin to help out more.  That interaction was an incredible experience for me personally.  It taught me a lot, in particular about myself, how I handle situations, and how I perceive others’ motivations.  It is a situation I have reflected on quite a bit, to keep fresh in my mind to remember the lessons learned.

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