
communication Aug 26, 2021

Change can be scary for many people.  It will be different for those that want the change to happen from those that are comfortable with the way things have been.  Either way, change is still frightening for most people.

Change is the unknown while consistency is the known.  One thing is for certain, change is inevitable.  Human beings strive for change because human beings strive for improvement.

Fear elicits defensive actions.  Those actions can be simply voicing their concern to acts of rage.  These actions are natural for without defensive actions, when we are scared, we may not survive when surrounded by real danger.

Keep this fear in mind when you speak to people about change.  It will help you adjust the messaging to be more effective.

Pretend you are speaking to a child who has awoken from a bad dream.  How would you speak to him?  What tone of voice would you use, volume, words?  How would you act with her?  What body language would you use, facial expressions?  Would you be standing over the bed or sitting next to the child?

Can you find similarities when speaking to an adult who may have fear in their heart?  Treating them in the same way as the child helps to soften the message and give them a chance to listen, settle into the message, and begin to understand the messaging.

If you are with a group, you may need to speak separately and additionally to the person with more fear.  This will help lower other negative emotions, such as embarrassment, to allow them to ask more questions and offer more concerns for the change.  Ultimately, the goal is to give everyone understanding and confidence to move forward.

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