Bad News Doesn’t Have to Shut You Down

communication Sep 29, 2022

How often do you get bad news? What about a surprise or a problem? All the time right?

Did you know that how you reply can make things a lot more difficult?

But, don’t worry, how you reply can make things a lot better too!

You have to be able to think quickly, and for a lot of you, overcome programmed, ingrained responses.

Don't react to bad news, a surprise, or a problem - respond to these negative pop-ups.

Instead of reacting with fear or anger, by looking for someone to blame, or with “how did this happen”, respond with “what’s next”, “how can I help”, or “what ideas do you have?”

Be prepared with a more positive, problem solving response.

And, don’t forget to practice that response for when you need it - remember Mind Runs.

Right away, you will start to build a team that solves problems and thinks about solutions rather than focusing on the bad news. You will begin to reprogram some folks too.

In the long run, your team will already be working on solutions when they bring you the news, slashing response time and building trust.

Those people watching you and your team will have the confidence, that when a problem arises, you have it handled.

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No? Build your first memory system right now, with this free guide: 5 Steps to Your First Memory System.

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