Get Upper Management's Attention course

Do you want a secret to getting the attention of upper management?

You may want that promotion, raise, or to be on that fast rack for the awesome projects.
You may just want to have a safe comfortable career.

You want to make yourself valuable and relevant so that you have the leverage to control your career and transitions.

Let me fill you in on the first little secret

Instant Access For Just $24

Transform Your Career in 3 Simple Steps:

Enroll Right Now

Step 1

Enroll Right Now

Simply click the orange button and securely check out to gain instant access

Begin the Learning

Step 2

Begin the Learning

Your training is at your fingertips, on your schedule, hit play to get started

Put into Practice

Step 3

Put into Practice

Immediately apply the skills and techniques with your team, co-workers, and management

Get Upper Management's Attention:

Enroll Right Now

Advance Your Career

Give yourself opportunities for promotions, growth, and personal development

Begin the Learning

Make More Money

Increase your financial stability, long term comfort, and standard of living

Put into Practice

Lead the Best Projects

Build stronger networks and a professional reputation, gain opportunities to be creative

Put into Practice

Secure Your Career

Protect against layoffs and give yourself the ability to plan long term

$24 - Join Us Today

"My company just had layoffs, I was kept on. My manager’s comments why made me laugh all the way back to my desk - exactly what Doug said they would be. Grateful for the course." - Josh W.

"This is the best course I've found in a while. It's simple, and very effective. I have been testing out the techniques and they work! I'm looking forward to my career opportunities." - Jess

What you will learn:

  • What Upper Management is discussing behind closed doors, from someone who has been there.
  • What decision makers are thinking about when they are considering who to promote, who to give more money too, and who to keep when resources get tight.
  • What to do to get upper management’s attention and to keep it without any additional workload.

All so that you can get what you want from your job and your career.



  • Stop relying on hearsay that isn’t working, and take the exact steps that will get you results.
  • Stop taking on more and more work which no one is impressed with.
  • Stop wondering why you missed out on the opportunity you where perfect for.


And as an added BONUS: Negotiation Tactics

So you are ready to ask for that promotion or raise. But are you really ready? Have you prepared and practiced your pitch and negotiation? Don’t worry, it's not as scary as you might be imagining. That isn’t to say there won’t be nerves, uncertainty, and curveballs. You’ve got this, and here are some steps to follow to be prepared and execute with confidence.

$24 - I'm In!

"Within two weeks of using these tactics, my manager started making comments in our 1-on-1. This course really helped." - Brittany

"Gave me the building blocks to get on the list! Looking forward to growing my career." - Matt

Do you want a secret to getting the attention of upper management? Do you want to make yourself valuable and relevant so that you have the leverage to control your career and transitions.

How do we get that attention without looking like a suck-up or a show-off?

Wouldn’t it be nice to get asked to fill the open role, to be offered a large raise, or to be in full control of your career?

It takes a little time and a little effort, but the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll be ready.

The skills in this course will help you stand out from the crowd with just a few easy adjustments to your daily work. Few people are doing it, so it means you’re going to stand out even more.

Stop hoping and wishing and start taking control.

Join us today, and get moving.

Think about the opportunities you will begin to open up. Think about your ability to control you career no matter what a company or the economy throws at you.

Set yourself on the career path that will make you happy and fulfilled.

"This is an excellent course to consume. You can do it during your lunch break and implement ASAP. Highly recommend this if you're wondering how to get that promotion or raise." - Jake S.

"I have learned a lot through trial and error. This course taught me so much more. I look forward to implementing the learnings asap. This was easily worth the price." - Chris

Just $24

Let's Do This!

"Hi, I just want to say THANK YOU for creating this course! It's packed with valuable and practical information, and I'm already seeing results from putting it into action!" - Ashley

"Doug’s courses are all very easy to understand and easy to take action on. This one is packed with great tips. If you are serious about your career, this is an amazing course to invest in. :)" - Emily J.

Common Questions and Concerns